Welcome to Grand Cru Miniature Cattle Ranch

Grand Cru Miniature Cattle Ranch is a family owned business located in western Washington.. We have been working with and raising cattle for over ten years. We are proud members of Holstein Association USA. We are a veteran owned company. Our mission is to raise and deliver to our customers, healthy, lovable and beautiful miniature Scottish Highland cattle. We work with several cattle companies in Washington, Oregon, California and Idaho and others across the USA.

Grand Cru? What is a Grand Cru?

A Grand Cru is a French word meaning “Great Growth” and in certain circumstances it refers to “natural”. Most commonly it refers to a regional wine classification that designates a vineyard for its favorable reputation. For our company, Grand Cru is the cornerstone of our business, in regard to Scottish Highland cattle: great growth, natural and of the highest reputation.

….and yes, Chablis in the background, is snacking on a carrot!

Grand Cru Miniateure Cattle Ranch